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Apr 03, 2020

US Unemployment Report Reaction: April 3, 2020

The US employment report for April 3, 2020 was worse than expected. Dan North breaks down some of the key stats from the report as well as some of the good news about the potential for future employment recovery.
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Apr 02, 2020

US Jobless Claims Twice as Large as Expected

Initial jobless claims soared last week to 6,648,000, twice as much as the previous record set last week, and twice as much as expected.
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Apr 01, 2020

How to Assess Financial Risk: Risk Mitigation & Solutions

Mitigating financial risk is essential for the future health of your business. Learn more about how to assess financial risk with Euler Hermes.
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Mar 26, 2020

US Jobless Claims

You probably didn’t need today’s data release to tell you we’re already in a recession, but here it is. Weekly jobless claims, also known as filings for unemployment benefits, are the first hard piece of data to show it. We knew it would be in the millions, so while it’s not unexpected, it is unprecedented by an order of magnitude.
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Mar 20, 2020

North Report: There is some Good News

And even before the coronavirus, as you know, we were spotting lots of signs in the economy that suggested a slowdown in H1. The economy was just waiting for one more downdraft, and it sure got one. We may get away with a flat Q1, but clearly, Q2 will be sharply negative.
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US: The Labor Market was Certainly Healthy

Mar 09, 2020

US February Jobs Report

There are lots of little flaws under the surface in the labor market, but few were evident in the February employment report which was a tour-de-force.
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162 releases in total

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