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Department of Treasury Seeks to Modernize Treasury List Regulations

Feb 12, 2020

Department of Treasury Seeks to Modernize Treasury List Regulations

The U.S. Department of Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service has taken an important first step to modernize the regulations pertaining to its assessment and evaluation of sureties writing bonds to the U.S. Federal government.
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US Jobs Report January 2020

Feb 10, 2020

US Jobs Report, Economic Data Quite Strong

The latest US jobs report was very strong, with job gains of +225k – way above expectations of +175k – and positive revisions to the prior two months.
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Federal Reserve Holds, For Now

Jan 31, 2020

US: Federal Reserve Holds

As expected The Federal Reserve held interest rates steady at its Wednesday meeting. In a unanimous decision the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) voted to maintain the overnight Federal Funds Rate at between 1.5% and 1.75%.
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2019 was a good year and provided a good hand-off to 2020

Jan 28, 2020

The North Report: 2019 and 2020

Despite some bumps along the way, 2019 was a solid year all around for the economy, for business, for the consumer, and for the financial markets. For 2020 however, while we expect positive growth, it will be markedly slower. We may even experience a quarter of flat or negative growth, but the odds of a recession are waning.
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Trends in Construction and Surety to Watch for in 2020

Jan 27, 2020

Trends in Construction and Surety to Watch for in 2020

Through 2019 and into 2020, there have been a number of developments that are going to impact surety and construction. Read about a few in Mike Bond's blog.
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Bad Faith Does Not Apply to the Surety Line of Business

Jan 10, 2020

Bad Faith Does Not Apply to the Surety Line of Business

Learn why the facts and circumstances that support a claim of bad faith against an insurance company writing a credit insurance policy do not apply in the case of a surety bond.
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162 releases in total

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