Economic & Trade Risk Insights

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Risk Mitigation and the Law: A Dynamic Duo

Oct 28, 2019

Risk Mitigation and the Law

As surety bond professionals, we are in the risk business. A critical factor in the success of a surety company or a bond producer is properly assessing and managing the risk associated with a surety bond. Legal issues and risk are inseparable.
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Take Control of Tomorrow Webinar Q&A

Sep 24, 2019

Take Control of Tomorrow Q&A

During our recent webinar, “Take Control of Tomorrow” our North American Chief Economist, Dan North, spoke on the current and future state of the U.S. economy and explained why the economy may look good right now, but projections for next year look bleak. Read the Q&As.
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Take Control of Tomorrow: How to Prepare Your Business for a Recession

Sep 20, 2019

How to Prepare Your Business for a Recession

Check out our list of eight strategies you can implement now to better ready your company to face a future recession.
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Protect Your Business Against Bad Debt Expense

Aug 16, 2019

Protect Your Business Against Bad Debt Expense

Bad debt expenses are account receivables that are no longer collectible. Learn how to calculate bad debt and how to protect your business with Euler Hermes.
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Under the Surface: Learning from Recent Retail Bankruptcies

Aug 15, 2019

Learning from Recent Retail Bankruptcies

Retail bankruptcies continue to make the news. Learn key takeaways from a Euler Hermes analysis of 31 retail bankruptcies in the US involving companies with annual revenues exceeding $70 million.
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Volatility on the Landscape Ahead

Jul 22, 2019

Volatility on the Landscape Ahead

Managing, allocating, and preserving your cash is important to stay ahead. Taking advantage of technology and leveraging data science to look at the trends of your customers, regions, and different emerging countries need to be top of mind as you create your plan for the rest of 2019.
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162 releases in total

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