Economic & Trade Risk Insights

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Payment in International Trade : Factors and Payment Methods

Nov 19, 2019

Foreign Trade Issues Can Prevent Or Delay Payment

When conducting business with overseas markets, there are various options for payment. Learn more about the pros and cons of each method from Euler Hermes.
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Export Risk Management

Nov 18, 2019

Export Risk Management

Because of the many risks involved in the exporting business, it’s important to take strides to mitigate risk. Learn how to protect your business with Euler Hermes.
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How to Assess Country Risk for International Trade

Nov 15, 2019

How to Assess Country Risk in International Trade | Euler Hermes USA

Before investing internationally, it’s important to evaluate country risk. Learn more about the factors to consider in a country risk assessment with Euler Hermes.
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US: Stocks and the Macroeconomy Disconnect, Again

Nov 15, 2019

US: Stocks and the Macroeconomy Disconnect

Once again, we are in the uncomfortable position of having to give a rational analysis of the macroeconomy in the face of a euphoric stock market.
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Credit Risk Management Tips: A CFO’s Perspective on Recession Recovery

Nov 14, 2019

Assessing Companies’ Creditworthiness During Economic Uncertainty

Doug Konop, the Chief Financial Officer of Specialty Forest Products, shares lessons he learned from the Great Recession and steps he took to make sure his business was better prepared for future economic uncertainty.
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MTA Debarment Regulations Create Risks for Contractors (and Their Sureties)

Nov 01, 2019

MTA Debarment Regulations Create Risks for Contractors

On June 5, 2019, the New York Metropolitan Transit Authority (“MTA”) issued regulations on an emergency basis that implement a harsh debarment framework that was established by statute, section 1279-h Public Authorities Law.
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162 releases in total

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