Economic & Trade Risk Insights

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How to Avoid Non-Payment from Customers

Jun 24, 2019

4 Tips to Avoid Customer Non-Payment

Learn four simple tips that -- when combined with accounts receivable insurance coverage -- can help you avoid non-payment from customers.
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How to Collect Late Payments and Maintain Good Customer Relationships

Jun 24, 2019

4 Steps to Collect Overdue Payments from Clients

Learn how to collect late payments while also maintaining a good customer relationship to avoid late payment turning into non-payment.
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Accounts Receivable Collection Techniques to Avoid Non-Payment - Empty Wallet Image

Jun 11, 2019

Effective Accounts Receivable Collection Procedures

Learn about accounts receivable management best practices to help avoid customer non-payment.
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The Real Value of Surety

May 30, 2019

How Surety Supports Projects of All Sizes

Surety goes beyond helping projects get completed. It helps customers in a tight financial position, helps customer compete confidently, and more. Read Mike Bond’s latest blog.
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How Long Does It Take Customers to Pay Invoices?

May 15, 2019

How Long Does It Take for Customers to Pay Invoices?

Euler Hermes' study found global average DSO was 65 days, a sign of companies becoming more cautious due to economic uncertainty.
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Accounts Receivable Insurance: Understanding the Benefits and Costs

May 14, 2019

Accounts Receivable Insurance: Definition & Costs

Companies often fail to insure accounts receivables, leaving a major asset unprotected. You don't have to be one of them.
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162 releases in total

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