Economic & Trade Risk Insights

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May 08, 2020

US and Canada: Shocking as Expected

The April employment report showed wide-spread devastation, even if it was slightly better than expectations. The Canadian economy lost 2 million jobs in April after having lost 1 million the previous month. However the 2 million job loss was much better than expectations of 4 million.
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May 07, 2020

Credit Risk Management Plan Best Practices

Credit risk management is an essential part of mitigating future risk. Learn more about risk management best practices and solutions with Euler Hermes.
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May 05, 2020

Global Trade: COVID-19 Losses Equivalent 1994 Tariffs

Global trade could remain below 90% of its pre-crisis level even after lockdowns are lifted.
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May 01, 2020

What is the Federal Reserve?

The Fed has several functions, one of which is regulating banks and the banking system. But the Fed has two other more important functions as well. These functions fall under the umbrella of “monetary policy,” one of the two major tools the government has to help manage the economy.
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May 01, 2020

Economic Developments Spring 2020

Dan North provides commentary on another huge week for economic developments. Of course, most of it is grim—but not all of it! There is hope that the economy can and will rebound quickly in the post covid19 world
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Apr 30, 2020

US: GDP Worse than Expected and Fed Signals Commitment

As expected the Federal Reserve made no change to policy at its meeting today. However, it sent a very clear message that it stood ready to do whatever it takes to support the economy. GDP worse than already bad expectations.
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162 releases in total

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