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Jul 20, 2020

Ask an Economist: What Economic Worries Keep You Up at Night?

COVID-19 sent tremors throughout the world, and the devastating economic effects are palpable. As we continue to find our way through the uncertainty, questions about the current state of the economy and future recovery continue to linger.
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Jul 03, 2020

What to Do If a Company Goes Bankrupt and Owes You Money

If your business extends credit to a company that files for bankruptcy, you may have to face unpaid debts. Learn how to protect your cash flow with Euler Hermes.
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Jul 02, 2020

US: Jobs Strong but COVID Making a Mess

The June employment report was much stronger than expected, as the economy created (another) record 4.8 million jobs vs. expectations of only 3 million.
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Jul 02, 2020

Doing Business With a Company in Chapter 11

What can you do if a key customer files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy? Learn how to reduce the risk of doing business with reorganizing companies with Euler Hermes.
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Jun 19, 2020

Bottoming Out Does Not Mean Things Are Good Again

Recently we have seen a lot of data indicating that the US economy, after a few desperate months of decline, has now stopped this horrible free-fall. After plummeting at record rates in March and April during the shutdowns, we are now starting to see data which is showing record, spectacular rebounds.
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Jun 09, 2020

Rough Landing: 2020 will be Hard for Air Transportation

Global demand in air transport will not return to its pre-Covid-19 level before 2023.
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162 releases in total

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