Sep 10, 2020

QE in emerging markets: Playing with fire?

Debt sustainability and inflation are the biggest risks ahead, especially for Brazil, Costa Rica, India, Turkey and Hungary.
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Sep 09, 2020

ECB: talking the talk, before walking the walk in December

The spreads have been closed but the ECB’s job is nowhere near done yet.
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Sep 03, 2020

France, Germany, Italy: Good fiscal stimulus, bad trade deficits?

Out of Europe’s major economies, France could experience the largest leakage from its fiscal stimulus.
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Sep 03, 2020

Allianz Pulse 2020 - The political attitudes of the French, Germans and Italians: grim expectations

It was to be expected that the assessment of the current economic situation would be miserable, but the outlook for the future is just as bleak.
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Sep 03, 2020

European consumers still firmly in the woods

The consumer recovery will look quite detached from the trend in retail trade.
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Jul 30, 2020

Impact underwriting: sustainable insurance as an opportunity for society and business

Due to its role as risk manager, risk carrier and major investor, the insurance industry is in a unique position to promote economic, social and environmental sustainability.
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Jul 29, 2020

Close to 150 large companies went bust in Q2 2020

The cumulative turnover of insolvent major companies also surged to EUR106.9bn (+155% q/q and +138% y/y).
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Jul 27, 2020

Covid-19 to increase firms’ liquidity needs to a record USD8tn as payment delays and inventories surge

The prolonged supply-chain disruption likely due to future targeted lockdowns and companies’ precautionary stockpiling will push inventories up in H2 2020.
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Jul 22, 2020

Bruised but not beaten, Europe’s textile industry is a perfect candidate for a greener and digital recovery

An unprecedented disruption in trade, manufacturing and retail activities, followed by a major economic crisis, will send the turnover of the European textile and apparel industry down by -19% in 2020.
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