Jul 16, 2020

Calm before the storm: Covid-19 and the business insolvency time bomb

The Covid-19 shock will trigger a worldwide wave of business insolvencies
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Jul 16, 2020

European banks: Could EUR300bn of additional NPLs crunch the recovery in Europe?

Unprecedented policy support may not be enough to shield European banks from the real economy’s woes.
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Jul 15, 2020

Covid-19: Contagion risks also apply to markets

Increased tail co-movements between asset classes indicate the presence of a common risk factor.
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Jul 09, 2020

Coping with Covid-19 in differing ways

The light and targeted lockdowns to fight the second wave of Covid-19 infections will constrain the pace of recovery. We expect global GDP to contract by -4.7% in 2020, followed by growth of +4.8% in 2021.
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Jul 08, 2020

Brexit: Trade tricks won't be enough

According to our calculations, the aggressive trade policy pursued by the UK could lead to a +2.2% increase in import prices over a year, and be negative for competitiveness abroad
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Jul 03, 2020

Chinese banks put to the test of RMB8tn of Covid-19 problematic loans

The ongoing credit easing amid the Covid-19 shock will worsen banks’ asset quality.
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Jul 01, 2020

Allianz Global Insurance Report 2020: Skyfall

Global premium income is expected to shrink by -3.8% in 2020.
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Jun 30, 2020

Money is power: Can a country's culture increase the risk of payment defaults?

The strength of social hierarchy matters for insured trade credit defaults
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Jun 25, 2020

When Main Street makes it to Wall Street

New retail investors could explain the current decoupling between the U.S. equity market and economic fundamentals.
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