Economic & Trade Risk Insights

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Global economic outlook 2021

Jun 16, 2021

Grand reopening: new opportunities, old risks

Watch for a multi-faceted recovery: high-pressure economics in the US, low-pressure economics in Europe.
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Jun 16, 2021

How to assess Working Capital Requirement (WCR)

The working capital requirement is a key indicator of the financial resources you’ll need before seizing new opportunities. Learn more.
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Jun 15, 2021

Adapt your financial KPIs to your business objectives

Monitoring the right financial KPIs can help you reach your objectives and optimize your business strategy. Discover how.
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Jun 14, 2021

Including ESG criteria in your business monitoring

Find out why extra-financial criteria should be used in your business monitoring and which ESG criteria to consider.
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Jun 11, 2021

SMEs: why you should monitor your financial performance regularly

Discover why you should monitor your financial performance to help you avoid problems and embrace growth.
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Jun 04, 2021

Economic Update: Employment tepid, rest of economy epic

In his latest blog post, Dan North, Chief Economist of Euler Hermes Americas, explains why job growth in May 2021 was disappointing, while other economic indicators are looking up.
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162 releases in total

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