Economic & Trade Risk Insights

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How Data Can Keep you One Move ahead of the Competition

Jan 11, 2021

How to Use Big Data to Gain a Competitive Advantage

When growing a business, it is important to be data-driven in your approach. Learn how to leverage big data to grow sales and beat out the competition.
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Jan 08, 2021

US: Jobs go Negative, Worse than Expected

The employment report for December was a nasty surprise. The consensus expectation had been for a gain of 50k jobs, but we had expected there would be a loss in jobs, maybe as much as -50k. Instead it was substantially worse at -140k.
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Dec 17, 2020

US: Retail Sales Terrible, but a New Year is coming

As we expected, retail sales were terrible in November, falling -1.1% m/m, far worse than consensus forecasts of -0.4%.
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Surge - Bankruptcy Trends Image

Dec 10, 2020

Euler Hermes Trade Talk: Recent Bankruptcies and B2B Payment Disruption

In this episode of our Euler Hermes Trade Talk, host Andrew Gertz talks with guest Steve Georgetti, VP and Regional Director of Information and Grading, about payment default trends and takeaways from bankruptcies in the last 12 months.
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Dec 05, 2020

US November Employment Report

The US employment report was disappointing and way below expectations. Unfortunately, December looks even worse. With the spike in daily COVID-19 cases, there is no doubt that more shutdowns are coming.
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How to Generate Increases in Working Capital

Nov 30, 2020

How to Increase Working Capital

Working capital is a vital part of any business. Learn how you can improve your working capital ratio and safely grow your business with Euler Hermes.
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162 releases in total

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