Serving those who require balance sheet protection against exceptional credit losses, our XoL solutions are designed for multinational companies with strong and mature credit risk management, capable of absorbing a greater share of risk. The policy features non‑cancellable credit limits and country limits for 12 months.

XoL can be an extremely effective tool in helping companies to retain greater independence, rely on secure and stable cover and enhance operational performance. It leverages international risk management with high discretionary limit (DCL) and low policy administration and harmonizes bad debt protection worldwide.

XoL is a credit risk management solution designed to help companies mitigate significant losses, therefore improving balance sheet efficiency.
Retain more independence - XoL
  • High discretionary limit (DCL) provides flexibility to manage day to day credit decisions and improves levels of coverage
  • Group limits allow the spread of credit limits amongst buyers within the same group
  • Non-cancellable cover for 12 months
  • The assurance of Euler Hermes AA- S&P rating. This is particularly relevant in support of funding solutions.
Rely on secure and stable cover - XoL
Enhance operational performance - XoL
  • Leverage existing credit management practices - Low policy administration
  • Benefit from a reduced premium as recognition of good credit management procedures and risk sharing
Products to harmonize with your business model and risk appetite.
Global access to our local expert teams. Seamless service with our expert knowledge anytime, anywhere.
High capacity for risk coverage and cash flow protection supporting your business needs.
Please fill out this short form and we will be in touch.

At Euler Hermes we value your time and will try to respond to your enquiry on the same working day. ​Some questions may take a little longer to answer, but we ​aim to provide you with a response within 3 working days.
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