17 results

| Case Studies

Keen Trade Credit Insurance Case Study

Accounts Receivable Protection is important when businesses are looking to grow. Learn how Euler Hermes helped KEEN extend terms to retail partners with protection from Euler Hermes.

| Case Studies

IFS Reduce Concentration Risk Case Study

International Fleet Sales realized future success would depend on its ability to reduce concentration risk. A flexible credit insurance policy supported the company’s unique business structure while also sharpening its competitive edge.

Ronald A. Chisholm Limited Case Study

As Ronald A. Chisholm Limited conducted its regular business of shipping meat around the world, a completely unprecedented, international situation occurred — with the potential to have major financial ramifications. With a political risk credit insurance policy from Euler Hermes, they were able to protect against the unexpected and had relief when large invoices went unpaid.

Vision Business Products

Serving the needs of startup and enterprise companies presented Vision Business Products with tough credit limit decisions on a regular basis – leaving the company to hold down limits for fear of default. Signing a credit insurance policy with Euler Hermes gave the company the confidence it needed to offer the right limits and to grow safely.

Acer Credit Risk Management Case Study

A multinational corporation with global operations leveraged credit insurance to create its own credit risk management process that uses intelligence to forecast risks and potential customer defaults.

| Case Studies

OTR Debt Collection Case Study

Innovative logistics provider OTR Transportation learns that credit insurance does more than protect A/R. They learn to protect themselves from bad debt and strengthen business partnerships.

17 results

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