At Euler Hermes in Canada, being responsible implies concrete actions related to the environment, customer service, diversity and humanitarian causes. We encourage concrete local engagements and are proud of our subsidiaries conducting humanitarian projects via foundations and permanent NGOs. The Mississauga and Montreal offices are collaborating with local charities through food drives, non-profits and volunteering opportunities.
Supporting our community
Since 2018, wanting to have a lasting impact upon our community we decided to embark upon a corporate partnership with Kurling for Kids (K4K).
K4K raises funds to purchase specific leading edge equipment in support of the The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation and the Sainte-Justine UHC Foundation. Having raised over $3.0 million for children, over a 20 year time frame, we decided to support K4K in our own way.
Going forward our associates across the country will be volunteering and fundraising for K4K.
- David Dienesch - CEO & Chief Agent at Euler Hermes in Canada
What we achieved
Two offices
common goal
$8000 +
and counting
supporting K4K