The coronavirus crisis is shaking society and the economy to their foundations. At the same time, it can be starting point and acceleration of various positive developments at long term.

Impossible to predict when the corona crisis will be behind us. The sanitary crisis is raging and the magnitude and long-term impact of the economic shock are also a question mark. One thing is certain: the longer this crisis lasts, the less likely it is that everything will return to its former state, both in our daily life and for our economy. This crisis creates new rules, new protocols and new ways of life. At long term, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Smart globalisation

The speed with which Covid-19 has spread around the world has highlighted the potential vulnerability of some industries when borders are closed and supply chains insecure. This finding will prompt governments to regain control of the economy and bring several strategic companies home, in order to regain control of strategic assets. This could be the first step in the move towards a smarter and more sustainable globalisation.

New jobs

Western countries will review their trade strategy for vital goods and will be much more committed to self-sufficiency. There will be a new phase of relocation for all sectors, in which companies will diversify their production sites and will no longer see China as the (only) factory of the world. This development could bring back many low-skilled jobs to Europe, leading to lower unemployment rates, higher wages and inflation.

Less attention to profit

Companies will try to improve their resilience, sometimes at the expense of profit. For example, they will adjust their stock management. This can have financial consequences, but stability and business continuity will prevail over quarterly results. Companies will also be more responsible for the sustainability of their business model and their positive impact on social and environmental challenges. The principles of ESG (environment, society and governance) will thus gain even more importance.

Faster digitalisation

Technology is the big winner. It will continue to progress in all areas of our lives: education, healthcare, retail, communications, payments, security and more. Digitalisation will certainly accelerate now that everyone has seen its huge benefits of recent months. As a result, digital applications will be developed on a large scale in all sectors and for all population groups.

More investment in healthcare

Finally, the current sanitary crisis exposes the risks of outdated, limited or inaccessible healthcare. All over the world, this could prompt countries to move towards state-managed health care. At the same time, investment in health technology will increase. Each structural crisis leads to specific improvements but also to new regulations. After the 2008 global financial crisis, we saw the boom in FinTech and a tremendous growth in investment. After Covid-19, the same will happen in the field of health. HealthTech will be the new FinTech.

25 results

May 11, 2021 | Press & Media

Raising prices as a last resort

Research of Euler Hermes shows that only 5 sectors in the Eurozone have the power to increase their retail prices. Read more.

Mar 26, 2021

Tourism: Europe at the recovery, but only in 2024

As governments race to contain new and more contagious variants of Covid-19, health passports will not be enough to revive tourism. According to Euler Hermes, the tourism industry could only see a recovery only in 2024. Read more.

Feb 19, 2021

Economic forecast 2021

The large-scale deployment of various Covid-19 vaccines will boost global economic growth. However, it will be necessary to wait until at least until 2022 for economic activity to return to pre-crisis level.

25 results