Guarantees for construction &

Enter into large contracts and bid for tenders with confidence

Agreeing contracts for complex projects would be virtually impossible without guarantees. Are you forming a consortium for a construction project, or negotiating the construction of an installation? Guarantees for the bidding, performance and maintenance phases are essential. We have the financial strength and expertise to support your deals in Belgium and overseas.
  1. Bids
    Use our guarantees to support your tenders for public work.
  2. Advance payments
    Guarantee repayment of your advances if they are withheld.
  3. Supplies
    Cover your contractual obligations to deliver to the customer.
  4. Performance
    Ensure supplies are made with or without a guarantee.
  5. Maintenance
    Obtain cover for defects discovered in the warranty period.
  6. Joint ventures/consortia
    Benefit from guarantees that are tailor-made for your construction projects.
Make optimal use of your credit lines and protect your cash flow with the help of guarantees.

Improve your standing in the market by demonstrating financial credibility and your ability to meet contractual obligations.
Work with our experts to get fast decisions and allow your team to focus on their core responsibilities.
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Large construction projects often require a joint approach, for instance in the form of a consortium. Building relations with a range of other businesses demands trust, but in financial terms, large contracts and complex projects would be impossible without guarantees. When setting up a consortium for a construction project or negotiating a major supply contract, it is crucial to have the right structures in place to reassure customers they will receive the agreed services. Government contracts and tenders require guarantees that comply with the terms of the tender competition. We have the financial strength and expertise to support your deals in your national market and can provide guarantees for markets internationally. Euler Hermes has many years of experience, providing you security and protection for your contracts.