600+ claims & collection experts worldwide, operation from 35 different entities

600+ claims & collection experts worldwide, operation from 35 different entities

59,334 claims indemnified per year = 1,140 per week

90% collection claims are settled amicably

85% of claims are declared through Online tool
Our promise is that we secure your trade, so that your business can grow with confidence. A large part of this confidence is nested in the moment when you have a claim request, as this is a defining moment for our insurance. Before, during and after a loss - we are committed to delivering on our promise and guarantee you a superior claims experience. In other words - we promise to support your business throughout the claims process to ensure that your claim is covered in case of a loss.
Our claims philosophy is customer-oriented, and we support you throughout the claims process building a trustful relationship: We value an honest dialogue, transparency of communication, consistency, speed and ease of service delivery. We work tirelessly to provide clarity and eliminate ambiguity, prioritizing a ‘no surprises’ culture. How do we ensure this? We support our customers throughout the process to help them handle all the requirements to enable them to receive their indemnification in due time.
We acknowledge that claims are more than just a financial obligation - they are the opportunity to repay your confidence in us. To identify the best solution, our integrated team of claims experts and other client service specialists collaborate closely with you and your brokers. For instance, a claims expert will advise you on each step after you notify us about the claim, and they support you in clarifying any doubts about the process. Our team is widely recognized in the market and has many years of experience managing claims in all of our business lines.
We offer your company a simple and fast claims handling process
Our collection support will work immediately to minimize your losses. The process is simple, and includes:
- You declare your claim on your debtor through our customer platform
- The online platform guides you through the information you need to provide for your claim case, such as the reason for the claim, a copy of the invoice that has not been paid and more.
- You receive an estimate of the amount of your claim’s coverage and when you will receive it. In the event of a large loss, an expert will contact you to discuss the next steps.
- A claims expert will be assigned to your case. You can contact our claims expert via our platform if you have any questions
- The entire process & status of your claims will be fully tracked on our portal
Our highly experienced claims teams are here when you need us!
We keep you informed
Our claims process is based on upfront and regular communication. We:
- Explain the claims procedure and how your policy will respond before describing the next steps and timelines.
- Clearly communicate what is covered
- Request information in a clear and timely way and keep you up to date with the claims developments