The origins
Settling as the world’s leader
Becoming Euler Hermes
A strong expansion
Becoming more digital
Acquisition by Allianz
Becoming Allianz Trade

Our origin dates back from the creation of SFAC in France in 1927. During the following decades, SFAC prospered and started progressively to expand by acquiring COBAC in 1993 – a Belgian company created in 1929 – and Trade Indemnity in 1996 – a UK company created in 1918.
It allowed SFAC to become the world’s leader in trade credit insurance.

In 1998, SFAC continued expanding by acquiring in ACI – created in the US back in 1883 – and SIAC – an Italian company created in 1927. The same year, Allianz bought AGF, shareholder of SFAC. SFAC became Euler-SFAC.
In 2000, Euler got listed on the Paris Stock Exchange and then acquired Hermes in 2002, the world’s fourth trade credit insurer.

In 2003, the Group and all its subsidiaries adopted the name Euler Hermes, before continuing to expand in Asia Pacific, Middle East and Latin America, but also in Europe by raising stake to COSEC, the market leader in Portugal to 50% in 2007.
In 2008, we created World Agency, a dedicated global entity working specifically for multinationals.

Allianz Trade is the global leader in trade credit insurance and a recognized specialist in the areas of surety, debt collection, fraud insurance, structured trade credit and political risk. Our proprietary intelligence network analyses daily changes in corporate solvency representing 98% of global GDP.
We give companies the confidence to trade, and be paid. We compensate your company in the event of a bad debt, but more importantly, we help you avoid bad debt in the first place. Whenever we provide trade credit insurance, surety bonds or other finance solutions, our priority is predictive protection. And when the unexpected arrives, our AA credit rating (Standard and Poor’s) means we have the resources, backed by Allianz, to provide compensation to maintain your business.
Our global team of macroeconomists and sector analysts works on economic intelligence, market knowledge and industry risk analysis to help our customers better anticipate, analyse and respond to changes in market conditions and shape new opportunities ahead of the competition.
Customer obsession is what leads us. We focus on understanding your needs, your markets, your challenges and your expectations for tomorrow. Our goal is to support your short and long term goals in order to help you make better-informed business decisions.

Our Corporate news
03 February
Allianz Trade Country Risk Atlas 2025
Allianz Trade upgraded 48 country risk ratings in 2024, more than double compared to 2023.
Read more14 November
Global Trade Outlook 2024
Regardless of the US election outcome, US-China relations will remain tense and continue to fragment global trade.
Read more30 October
Surety Green2Green
Through this new product, Allianz Trade enables its clients to engage in low-carbon technologies and renewables projects through issuance of surety bonds and guarantees securing their proper completion.
Read more
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