Request a free Risk Scan

With our Risk Scan, we provide you with insight into the payment risk of your customer portfolio. We map these risks for you in a clear report or online dashboard. Request a free, no-obligation scan using the form below, or call for more information.

  • An overview of the credit risk (i.e. the risk that a customer cannot pay) of both existing and new customers in your customer portfolio.
  • You can see where your customers fall on our risk scale.
  • Changes in the average risk assessment of your customers over the past 12 months.
  • How much of your revenue is at risk over the next 12 months due to default risk.
  • Assessment of your top clients and sectors to see if you are exposed to concentration risk.
Submit your request and we’ll be in touch to discuss the set-up of your report


clients worldwide

83 million

businesses monitored

AA rating 

by Standard & Poor’s 
You want to focus on doing business. We understand that better than anyone. We are therefore happy to manage trading and payment risks for you. Our trade credit insurance offers you security. You no longer have to worry about whether or not you should accept that big order. And you won't lie awake at night worrying about whether a large invoice will be paid. Trade credit insurance ensures that you limit your credit risks. A lot of problems are prevented and you can concentrate more fully on your own business. Trade credit insurance is no guarantee that customers will always pay your invoices, but if something goes wrong, we will reimburse you for the damages.