MADRID – 20 DECEMBER 2016 - The Board of Directors of SOLUNION, the MAPFRE and Euler Hermes credit insurance joint venture, has approved the appointment of Michele Pignotti and Ignacio Baeza as Chairman and Vice Chairman, respectively, of the company from 1 January 2017. 

Michele Pignotti is a member of the Management Committee of the Euler Hermes group, responsible for Market Management. He succeeds as Chairman of SOLUNION Gerd-Uwe Baden, who retires from his post on 31 December 2016.

Ignacio Baeza, third Vice President  of MAPFRE and CEO of its Global Risks Unit, will assume the role of Vice Chairman of SOLUNION, succeeding Alfredo Castelo who assumes a new role in MAPFRE as CEO of MAPFRE USA from 1 January 2017.

Michele Pignotti joined Euler Hermes in 2004 as Commercial and Marketing Director for Italy. In 2008, he was appointed CEO of Euler Hermes Italy, a role he combined from 2010 with the management of the Euler Hermes MMEA region. He is currently a member of the Euler Hermes Board of Management, responsible for Market Management, and sits on the Euler Hermes internal “Digital Sounding Board” dedicated to defining digital strategy and identifying and evaluating innovative business opportunities. Born in Naples, he holds an MBA from the CUOA business school.

Ignacio Baeza has throughout his extensive career held positions of the highest responsibility within the MAPFRE group, among which President of MAPFRE VIDA and MAPFRE España, and CEO of the Iberian Territorial Area. Born in Las Palmas in Gran Canaria, he holds an Economic Science degree, is Vice President of MAPFRE, President of the Board of Directors and currently CEO of the Assistance Unit, and President of the Boards of Directors of MAPFRE España