PARIS – 16 JUNE 2015 - Euler Hermes, the worldwide leader in trade credit insurance, is enhancing local CEO capabilities with a senior executive development program in which six CEOs from the company’s northern Europe region exchanged day-to-day responsibilities for one week.

The CEOs - from Belgium, The Netherlands, The Nordics, Poland, Russia and the UK – undertook joint meetings to understand their host business beforehand, then attend business meetings, contribute to daily decisions and meet brokers, clients and local team members during the visit. After the exchange they shared their impressions, discussed learnings, and identified how to implement best practice transfers at home and in their host business.

“We created the northern Europe region job swap program to enable our executives to gain a better understanding of the different markets in their region, exchange best practices, foster innovation and enhance customer service,” said Ludovic Senecaut, CEO, Euler Hermes Northern Europe. 

The consensus from the CEOs was that the job swap opened up possibilities for better working together by transferring best practices across business areas such as risk, client portfolio management, employee engagement, marketing strategy and sales.

Ludovic Senecaut added: "In addition to creating a forward thinking business that serves clients well, programs like the job swap offer personal and network growth opportunities and develop valuable qualities like creativity, performance orientation and proactivity.”

The northern Europe exchange is the latest extension of Euler Hermes leadership development program begun with 6 global Heads of regions changing and recently including international exchanges among departmental specialists such as Human Resources.