​HONG KONG – 8 DECEMBER 2016 – Euler Hermes, the worldwide leader in trade credit insurance, today launched Corporate Advantage in Asia Pacific, a flagship product with built-in features allowing corporations to customize trade credit protection according to the needs of their business.

Corporate Advantage offers coverage on trade credit receivables in both domestic and export markets, in a modular design offering a choice of more than 80 options. It is most beneficial to mid-sized and large corporations who require flexible solutions easily customized to their company, sector and growth ambitions.

“When selling on open terms a company is providing credit, and at the same time running the risk that customers may not be able to pay. On average, trade receivables represent between 20% and 40% of a company’s assets. This means unpaid invoices impact more than most people anticipate,” noted Holger Schaefer, head of Euler Hermes Asia Pacific Region. “Corporate Advantage is an efficient, tailored solution that can help businesses make strategic trading decisions while maintaining sound credit management.”

Corporate Advantage has a straightforward policy structure and simple wording that makes information quick to find. A key feature is debt collection, including claims payments, contribution to debt recovery legal costs and reduced policy administration.

“When you have a business to run, you don’t want to waste time or human resources pursuing commercial debts,” added Schaefer. “Outsourcing late payments collection to an experienced partner frees in-house teams to focus on core business activity.”

Euler Hermes Corporate Advantage solutions launch in Hong Kong and Singapore in December, followed by China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand in 2017.