​Euler Hermes, the worldwide leader in trade credit insurance, has launched an innovative mobile “Land of Payment” application (app) that assesses the complexity of collecting debt in more than 40 of the countries worldwide where the Group is present.  It also published a special report on international debt collection across different markets: ‘International Debt Collection: ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’. ​ “The app and interactive map of collection complexity ratings are innovations that offer our clients key information when and where they want it,” said Jean Placotaris, CEO of Euler Hermes Collections. “Essentially, debt collection is a combination of well-defined but essential steps, each characterized by a specific and increasing level of complexity. Five rules apply: (i) Never underestimate the business context; (ii) Negotiation ‘with teeth’ is one's best friend; (iii) Beware of legal courts; (iv) Collecting debt from insolvent debtors is a challenge; (v) The longer one waits, the greater the complexity and risks. With our new app and interactive map we are able to help businesses minimize their risk of complex debt collection by providing them directly with valuable trading decision data.”


Special report - ‘International Debt Collection: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’


The Euler Hermes report details the debt collection process, providing 43 cross-country comparisons of the differing levels of complexity encountered. Three main factors contribute to local complexities: payment customs, tortuous court procedures, and insolvency hazards. Sweden, Germany and Austria rank amongst the least complex countries when it comes to debt collection, while Russia, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are still lagging behind when it comes to simplifying the life of companies trying to recover payments.

The “Land of Payment” app

The Euler Hermes Collections ”Land of Payment” mobile application for Apple® and Android® tablets and smartphones provides in-depth data about collection practices around the world. Users access data about local payment cultures, legal and insolvency proceedings that can help guide decisions and manage expectations when trading internationally. The app is available as a free download via the Apple App Store® or from Google Play®.


“Land of Payment” mobile app - overview:
• Animated  “Land of Payment” introduction
• 43 country collection profiles
• Interactive map describing country-based collection complexity
• Euler Hermes Collections services and global collection network
• Offline management of personal libraries
• Browse and search by keyword, country and topic
• Receive notifications when new content is published
• Connect directly with Euler Hermes Collections and share content via e-mail and social networks


The interactive collection complexity map

The new interactive map provides assessments of the level of complexity relating to debt collection procedures within a specific country. Countries are rated along a four-point scale, the highest being “severe”. The analysis is based on a detailed review of local regulations & procedures and a proprietary perspective from Euler Hermes’ market-based collection specialists on local payment cultures.  It is available on the app and on the Collections page of the Euler Hermes website.


Euler Hermes knowledge and experience in international debt collection was recently recognized with ISO 9001:2008 certification by BSI Standards for “the management of the co-operation, co-ordination and effectiveness of the international debt collection network, covering both internal and external suppliers.”