5G and the reopening of the economy to rekindle growth in 2021


LOW RISK for entreprises

  • Fragmentation

  • Internationalization

  • Capital Intensity

  • Profitability

  • Fragmentation

  • Internationalization

  • Capital Intensity

  • Profitability

Updated in July 2021.
  • Highly regulated, concentrated markets with generally predictable cash-flows and limited churn
  • Generally high EBITDA margins (30-40%)
  • Long-term trend of booming data use
  • Resilience to periods of downturns in advanced economies
  • Market maturity in advanced economies leads to strong price competition
  • Highly capital intensive business (capex in the range of 10-20% of revenue)
  • High leverage (net debt / EBITDA > 3) among a few large U.S. and European players
  • Uncertainties related to the U.S.-China tensions, Huawei of China being the leader in 5G technologies
  • Sensitivity to periods of downturns in emerging economies
Updated in July 2021.
Trade credit insurance covers your receivables due within 12 months so that your cash flow is safeguarded.

Our information tracks the financial health of your customers and we update you so that you can trade with confidence.

If your customers become insolvent or fall into protracted default, you will be indemnified for the cost of goods and services you have delivered.

Key players

Country Role Sector risk
United States

#1 Market by revenue


Medium risk


#2 Market by revenue


Medium risk


#3 Market by revenue


Medium risk

United Kingdom

#4 Market by revenue


Medium risk


#5 Market by revenue


Low risk

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