Aug 21, 2020

First by your side for the road ahead

Wilfried Verstraete shares the economic picture ahead and what our teams are doing to support our customers and partners connect the dots and act early.
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Jul 21, 2020

Survey: How much Covid-19 shifted finance leaders' priorities

A new report from Euler Hermes examines how much the Covid-19 crisis shifted European financial leaders’confidence and priorities for 2020.
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Jul 16, 2020

The insolvency time bomb: prepare for a record-high increase in insolvencies, the collateral damage of the Covid-19 crisis

The Covid-19 crisis will trigger a major acceleration in business insolvencies due to both the suddenness and historic size of the economic shock and its expected lasting effects, according to a new study by Euler Hermes, the world’s largest trade credit insurer.
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Jul 10, 2020

Report Finds A Strong Economic Recovery Relies on Safe and Continued Trade Supported by Credit Terms

Report commissioned by leading trade credit insurers proposes government reinsurance policy to support U.S. economy
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Jul 06, 2020

Bisnode and Euler Hermes concluded a strategic cooperation contract

Bisnode signed with Euler Hermes a contract for the provision of national and international data supporting the servicing of credit insurance provided by Euler Hermes in Poland.
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Apr 16, 2020

Covid-19: A protective shield for German companies and suppliers

The far-reaching agreement will protect German companies and their supply chains in times of the Coronavirus.
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