Managing your trade credit insurance has never been easier. Our customer platform MyEH offers many possibilities: access quickly all your information, convenient overviews and easy to use tool. All the advantages at a glance.

As an entrepreneur, you take important decisions for your business every day. Who you do trade with and under which conditions. Our online platform MyEH helps you. Moreover, in 2021, MyEH will be the gateway to all Euler Hermes services and solutions. Therefore, here are some reasons to discover MyEH as from today.

MyEH has been developed together with our customers in order that the new platform meets all your needs. The platform is accessible 24 hours a day via computer, laptop and mobile devices. At the same time, our experts are easily available for assistance when needed.
Our experts analyse the creditworthiness of your clients every day. Therefore, we use our worldwide data network, which also provides predictive information. All this information is available via MyEH. This ensures that you can trade safely and in confidence with your customers. Access to detailed information also makes it easier to make good decisions in a second. This way, you can protect and increase the income of your business.
In MyEH, you can easily see the coverage of your clients and the progress of your policy. This gives you a clear overview of all credit decisions. You can easily request and monitor credit limits through the platform. It is also possible to consult an overview of the customer's coverage history or Euler Hermes Grades. In this way, you are able to analyse the evolution of the most important credit trends for your business. And you always have a consolidated overview of all credit risks.
Begin of 2021, MyEH will become the only access to our online platform for clients and brokers. Filing and monitoring of claims, extension requests and turnover declarations: all of this will be done via MyEH in the future. It is therefore in your interest to discover the novelties of our innovative platform.
If you have questions concerning MyEH, please contact our customer service by email or contact directly your dedicated contact person.

28 results

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28 results