
Credit Insurance for
single contracts & leases

Single-situation solutions for buyer non-payment under stand-alone supply
contracts and lease agreements.

Medium Term Credit Insurance solutions

Our Medium Term Credit Insurance solutions safeguard you against the risks of non-payment of invoices and work-in-progress costs, under a single contract, or instalments due under a lease agreement.

Credit insurance for single contracts

Covering invoice non-payment and work-in-progress costs, under a single contract, with policy terms and credit limit fixed for up to three years.

Credit insurance for lease agreements

Covering risk of non-payment of instalments under leasing agreements for goods, with policy terms and credit limit fixed for any period, up to five years.

Activated if a customer becomes insolvent or defaults under the terms of the policy.
Enjoy non-cancellable credit limits, 90% claim pay-out, and top-notch expertise.
Worldwide coverage, specifically tailored for a contract or lease value
Low administration and coverage agreed before a contract or lease starts, ensuring seamless protection.
​​​Choose coverage duration and limit, with policy tailored to individual contracts or leases.
We cover losses if insured payment defaults occur, and process claims based on policy terms.
Receive compensation for covered losses, safeguarding cash flow and business operations.
Enables businesses to confidently offer credit terms to new or lesser-known clients. It also mitigates risks of entering new or international markets, encouraging expansion with political risk option.
Ensures you receive payment even if the buyer defaults, and covers buyer insolvency or protracted default risks. And is crucial for businesses unable to absorb significant losses.
Secures payments, helping businesses maintain cash flow for operations and growth. Insured receivables also make it easier to secure funding by reducing lender risk.

Complete the form for your free  no-obligation Trade Credit Insurance consultation

Alternatively, call us Mon-Fri, 09:00-17:00 on 0800 056 5452

clients worldwide
83 Million
businesses monitored in 160 countries
AA Rating
by Standard & Poor's