Surety and Guarantee

Guaranteed payment for you and your customers

What are surety and guarantee?

Give your international suppliers valuable reassurance and ensure they deliver as agreed. A surety issued on your behalf lets your suppliers know that you can meet your contractual commitments as long as they deliver on their side.  When you use our surety service we assume your third party liabilities as an independent guarantor.  As part of a global insurer we are accepted as equal to a bank while being more flexible in response to your needs.

What type of surety and guarantess does Euler Hermes offer?

Bid bonds

  • Variable duration
  • The reliability of an offer in a tendering procedure

Advanced payments bonds

  • 6 months duration
  • The proper use of advance payments for a contractual obligation

Customs, tax and contribution bonds

  • 12 months duration
  • The state against the failure of a delinquent taxpayer

Performance bonds

  • 2 years duration
  • The proper performance of a contractual obligation

Maintenance bonds

  • 5 years duration
  • The elimination of deficiencies during a warranty period of a contractual obligation

This list of standard bond types is not exhaustive, Euler Hermes can also provide you with tailored bonding solutions. 

Our AA rating from Standard & Poor's provides your financial partners and beneficiaries with the confidence to trade at home or overseas.  
Use our bonds and take the pressure off your bank credit line.  The additional liquidity will be available for other calls on cash facilities.
Extend your business into new markets.  Benefit from our global insights, local presence and in-depth expertise to meet your need for guarantees that safeguard international trade.

Let's get in touch today!

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Call us: 0800 771 168
Your business partners may request guarantees before they will trade with you. You can rely on us to help you build lasting and successful business partnerships with confidence. When you take our bonding cover, we are an independent guarantor and take on the liability for you. Our bonds and guarantees have a high standing based on an AA- rating from Standard & Poor's. Our correspondents around the world will use their market knowledge to help you analyse risks and put in place the protection you need. We will propose the best bond or guarantee after careful analysis and consideration of your business and the requirements of any contract you are bidding for. You can rely on us to establish the guarantees your business trading requires for international markets and to gain the trust of your business partners in markets around the world.