With over 45 years of business experience in chemicals, petrochemicals, polymers, metals, minerals, foods and agricultural products, Vikudha has built strong relationships with more than 400 suppliers and 600 customers around the world. Vikudha has been recognized by ICIS as one of the top chemical distributors in the world.


Vikudha’s strategy has always been to explore new opportunities to drive sustainable growth. Being able to offer credit terms to customers is important in new markets, so Vikudha has partnered with Euler Hermes Hong Kong to support this growth.

It is not easy to increase sales in various countries across time zones and languages. Yet, Vikudha succeeded in expanding to 4 continents (Asia, Africa, Europe and South America). The non-payment risk can be high in some countries and sectors, so Vikudha needed a solution to mitigate the credit risk and provide peace of mind. Due to market and product diversity, local intelligence can help Vikudha understand the creditworthiness of potential customers while identifying high-value customers. Vikudha has thereby chosen Euler Hermes to make better informed decisions.

Vikash Adukia, Director, Vikudha

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