Always first at your side

Personal message from the CEO of Euler Hermes

As the COVID-19 pandemic brings the economy close to a lock down, I along with everyone at Euler Hermes, wish that you and your loved ones are safe and well.

I never thought I would address you in such unchartered circumstances. As I write you this letter, nearly 100% of Euler Hermes employees are working remotely.  Although we all are discovering a situation we never experienced, our move to a virtual workforce took place smoothly, with no disruptions in any of our services, and our data and operations remaining fully secure and available.  Being a century-old business who has weathered many crises, I can reassure you that Euler Hermes is naturally prepared to adapt to changing economic environments and today, we remain operationally solid and stable.  Our top priority has been, and remains, to protect the safety and well-being of our employees and you, our client. We will maintain all our safety and remote-working measures for our employees across the world as the pandemic continues to spread.

More than ever, our teams’ resilience, commitment and proactivity are the drive behind the extra miles we go to continue serving you. We take our societal role at heart, and will continue delivering you a high-class experience and support in these unusual times. You will soon receive additional information from your Euler Hermes branch on the latest measures we will propose to you. We continue to update you as the situation evolves and are available to answer your questions – albeit virtually. You can also count on us for the most up to date and comprehensive economic analyses and insights, which we update as regularly as needed as the situation evolves globally. Here too, our economic research teams, one of the key contributors of our predictive intelligence, are sifting through incredible amounts of economic data day in day out, all to help you to continue running and navigating your business as best as possible midst this storm.

We remain by your side, and are ready to help, to advise you and share our thoughts on the best ways for you to confront this unprecedented crisis. On a personal note, please protect your health and your family, reach out to your friends, neighbors and colleagues for regular news and for mutual support.

Please stay safe,


Wilfried Verstraete
President and Chairman of the Board of Management
Euler Hermes Group

25 results

May 11, 2021 | Press & Media

Raising prices as a last resort

Research of Euler Hermes shows that only 5 sectors in the Eurozone have the power to increase their retail prices. Read more.

Mar 26, 2021

Tourism: Europe at the recovery, but only in 2024

As governments race to contain new and more contagious variants of Covid-19, health passports will not be enough to revive tourism. According to Euler Hermes, the tourism industry could only see a recovery only in 2024. Read more.

Feb 19, 2021

Economic forecast 2021

The large-scale deployment of various Covid-19 vaccines will boost global economic growth. However, it will be necessary to wait until at least until 2022 for economic activity to return to pre-crisis level.

25 results