Surety bonds and guarantees can be provided across a wide variety of trading sectors.

A bond supports your contractual obligations to another party. In the event of non-performance of the specified obligations, we are there to provide compensation for loss and damage.

When using a bond facility with us, your working capital arrangements are not impacted and our financial strength often means that our bond or guarantee is seen as a preferred product.

Often identified as contractual requirement providing security in support of a contract.
Ensuring mutually acceptable documentation as the cornerstone of the relationship.
Provide complete information for review and assessment. Our specialist team will share insight and advice.
Our experienced Underwriting and Client Service teams ensure that facilities and bonds can be established quickly.
Our AA rating from Standard & Poor’s provides the security that the bond will be there to meet the beneficiaries’ requirements.
Our bonds could release working capital facilities from the bank, and/or reduce the tangible security requirement on trading instruments.
Our bonds could allow you to expand growth potential reaching new clients. Our global insight and local office presence can also assist with your international bond requirements.

Why work with us?


countries worldwide


businesses monitored


Standard & Poor's rating
Your business partners may request bonds or guarantees before they will trade or enter into contract with you. You can rely on us to help you build lasting and successful business partnerships with confidence. We act as a guarantor of your contractual obligations, giving confidence to your client that you will meet your obligations. Our AA rating from Standard and Poor’s will give your client the added confidence that in the event they require to call on a bond that we will be there to meet it’s obligations as your surety.