Check out our guides on how credit limits work, how to apply for them, Turnover Declaration, invoices and more.

6 results

| Managing your Policy

Understanding Discretionary Limits

In some cases, you can justify cover under a Discretionary Credit Limit without having to make an Approved Limit request. Discover how it works and when to use one.

| Managing your Policy

How to fill out your Turnover Declaration

A Turnover Declaration helps calculate your trade credit insurance premium. Find out what information to include and how to avoid common mistakes.

| Managing your Policy

Understanding your invoices

To understand how we invoice our different services, read our guide with example of Collection, Credit Intelligence and Insurance Premium Invoices.

| Managing your Policy

Understanding credit limits

In order to manage your cover and exposure to risk, you need to set credit limits. Find out how they work and how to choose between approved and discretionary limits.

| Managing your Policy

How Client Name Disclosure facilitates credit limit decisions

Discover how Client Name Disclosure – disclosing your company name when we contact your customers – facilitates credit limit decisions. Find out more!

| Managing your Policy

How to apply for a credit limit

Applying for a credit limit is easy through our online portal. Find out how with our step-by-step guide.

6 results

Celebrating the Customer Line

In the nine years since its inception, Euler Hermes’ UK Customer Line has dealt with more than half a million calls and a quarter of a million emails
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5 questions to ask on invoice finance

Factoring and other forms of invoice financing are ideal for companies wanting access to funding. Here are five key questions to ask before signing up.
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The global post-pandemic economic recovery in numbers

How strong will the economic recovery and post-pandemic consumer spending habits be? Check out the key figures in our infographic.
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Five ways to seize growth opportunities and thrive post-pandemic

Check out our 5 action points to ensure your company will reap the benefits of the post-pandemic global recovery expected in 2021 and 2022.
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Proforma payment: why cash isn’t always king

How can asking for cash in advance actually threaten growth? Euler Hermes reviews proforma trading
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Beware the credit risk iceberg

There are hidden credit risk threats in the new business environment. Find out how to avoid them
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How to Protect Small Business Cash Flow by Choosing Your Customers

How can you pick the right customer to limit bad debt and safeguard your company’s cash flow? Check out our tips to protect your business against customer insolvency!
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Post-Christmas hangover likely for food and hospitality firms

January and February are traditionally tough for food and hospitality businesses, but in 2022 they may be particularly challenging. Read more!
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Starting to export: which countries pay quickly?

Thanks to Euler Hermes data, companies can reduce the risk of slow export payment — but must also reduce the risk to their cash flow if overseas customers fail to pay.
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117 releases in total