Your go-to destination for expert guidance, insights and information on all things business.
As one of the UK's leading SME insurance brokers, we understand the importance of having access to reliable and up-to-date information. In our Insight Hub, you'll find a wealth of resources designed to help you navigate the complex world of business. Our comprehensive library of resources includes guides, news, articles, and tips to help you stay informed and can help you make informed decisions about protecting your business.
Health and safety planning

Feb 10, 2020

The importance of updating your health and safety policy

Having a robust health and safety policy can help keep your business and your team safe. This guidance can help ensure that your health and safety policy is fit for your business.
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Empty supermarket

Feb 07, 2020

The science behind shop layouts

Shopper behaviour is something that has become increasingly important to understand when it comes to the design of any shop.
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Feb 05, 2020

Protecting your office against employee theft

There could be many reasons that members of your team may feel the need to steal from others. Safeguard your office against employee theft by following these tips.
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Ship on frozen sea

Jan 31, 2020

Extreme weather guidance from industry experts

Our downloadable guide written by Citation will help advise you on how to operate in the colder months when extreme weather conditions arise.
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Contractor inspecting air conditioning outlet

Jan 29, 2020

How improving your air quality improves your office

The health, comfort, well-being and productivity of your team can be affected by poor air quality. Here are examples of why you should have a good supply of fresh air into your office.
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Professionals meeting

Jan 27, 2020

How has the Professional Indemnity market changed?

Insurance experts have recognised that the UK market for Professional Indemnity insurance has hardened in recent years, making it difficult for some businesses to find adequate cover.
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Larger commercial vehicle

Jan 22, 2020

The benefits of using telematics in a commercial vehicle

Find out more about what telematics can do for your commercial vehicles. Benefits of telematics include reduced operational costs, higher security and lower insurance premiums.
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Contactless credit card

Jan 15, 2020

Is it time you took your business cashless?

In 2017, card payments overtook cash as the most popular method of payment in the UK. Is it time you took your business cashless? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
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Cyber security expert

Dec 20, 2019

Cyber insurance: an important cover for SMEs

Recent figures from the Association of British Insurers (ABI) shows that 99% of all cyber-crime claims in 2018 resulted in a pay-out, yet only 11% of UK business have cyber insurance.
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Carbon monoxide alarm

Dec 09, 2019

Revisiting smoke and carbon monoxide alarm regulations

The installation and maintenance of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in private rented accommodation falls to the responsibility of the landlord. Do you know your responsibilities?
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Car park

Dec 04, 2019

Managing the risks in your business’ car park

On-site car parking at your business for both staff and customers can be a great perk. There are several risks you should be aware of as a business owner who manages a car park.
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Office worker on a desk

Nov 29, 2019

Office workout: Exercises that you can do at your desk

Doing a discreet, quick and easy exercise routine will keep you comfortable whilst working long hours in an office. Take a look at this list of quick office workout exercises.
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286 releases in total

Nathan Bentley
Marketing Executive
Kris Littlewood
Digital Marketing Consultant
Rebecca Leversidge
Marketing Manager
Joe Sharpe
Account Executive
Phil Browning
Account Executive