Trade Credit Insurance
Innovation in business information
Group Head of Information, Joseph Mocachen outlines challenges and new solutions in business data at Allianz Trade.
Why trade credit insurance is a small business necessity
How small and mid-sized businesses can safeguard their growth, assets, and client relationships with trade credit insurance.
How to negotiate payment terms with customers?
Negotiating payment terms when offering trade credit to customers can be difficult. Check out our late payment tips to protect your cash flow management!
Euler Hermes announces key changes in their BoM teams
Euler Hermes announces key changes in their Board of Management and Regional Management teams. While the Covid-19 crisis reaffirmed the critical role of credit insurance in sustaining global trade, Euler Hermes will help businesses catch the upswing in still uncertain times.
Euler Hermes Group announces CEO leadership change
Clarisse Kopff is appointed as the new CEO of Euler Hermes Group after Wilfried Verstraete.
Jean Claus CEO's letter
The global level of risk is increasing, and the gross domestic product will most certainly decline substantially in 2020, even more now that the lockdown has been extended.